Comments on: How to Support Your Marketing Efforts All Year Long Take Action, Build Your Business! Tue, 14 Jun 2022 12:22:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Giuseppe Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:25:01 +0000 Building anticipation with countdown timers and daily deals helped me a lot. So, I try to use this strategy often

By: sweety kumari Sat, 08 May 2021 05:45:52 +0000 HEY Eleanor ,
Your post is very informative and useful. It is very hard to start marketing after yer long but not impossible. You have mention nice tips to support the marketing efforts in which your advice eis right to start with the blog.I also gin new idea from your post.

thank you

By: Lisa Sicard Mon, 12 Apr 2021 11:42:51 +0000 Hi Eleanor, I love planning out things in advance for my websites and clients with their social media. There are so many things to take into consideration and being able to be agile with things like Covid is very important. You have to be ready to change quickly today with all the marketing messages out there.
You still have to stick to business but be aware of what’s going on around it and the effects on your customers. For example, the holiday season was a time when people mostly shopped online the past year vs. previous years. Everything had to be purchased online and the intent of all marketing was to get people to buy online.
I love using slow times to write more blog posts and help find the weak points to boost up. Thank for the tips!
